Prima zi intre straini - part 2
Trenul nostru a mers mai rau decat personalul din RO, de parca ii era frica sa accelereze.
Privelistea era foarte frumoasa, padure, lanuri cultivate, putin cam uscate totusi pentru ca nu plouase de o luna (am aflat asta ulterior). In tren ne-am gasit loc intr-un compartiment in care mai erau 2 tipi, iar intre timp a mai venit unul. La inceput, nu au zis nimik, dar cand ne-au auzit ca vorbim alta limba, ne-au intrebat din ce tara suntem si de aici s-a pornit o discutie despre POL si RO. A incercat unul dintre ei sa ne invetze cateva cuvinte in poloneza, nu prea a reusit pentru ca noi uitam ce ne spusese cu 5 min inainte.
Drumul a continuat cu multe peripetii, trenul a facut un accident cu o masina (nu au fost raniti, asha ca a fost ok) si de asta noi am intarziat o ora.
Ne-a asteptat la gara LC VP OGX, Ewel si ne-a dus acasa, unde era Magdalena (LCP). Stam la gazda intr-o casa roz. Proprietarii par destul de dragutzi, sper sa ne intelegem bine.
Revin cu noi detalii ...
Short English Version
Our train was very, very slowly ...
The view was nice, forest, fields, a little dry because there was no rain for one month.
We had company in the train, 3 nice guys spoke with us in English. They teached us some words in Polish.
We had a delay of one hour because the train had a ccident with a car (nothing to be worry about).
Ewel, VP OGX, waited for us in the train station and showed us the new home: we have a room in a pink house, with a lot of flowers in the garden ... It's so nice view from our window: vegetables garden :D.
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