A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Friday, August 31, 2007

The lake

First Sunday in Czech Republic: what to do?

Let's go to the lake, Evca said. So we took tram no. 1 and, after 20 minutes of speed, we arrived.
It's a beautiful view, lake near the hotel, surrounded by a park. We find in that park yellow little plums, that I was used to eat in my grandmother's garden.

Nice afternoon passed with Andu, Evca and Ionela!

@ CEEDers from Zlin - coming to Brno

Hey again. Two days after I arrived here I had the opportunity to be a guide of Brno for the CEEDers from Zlin, a close LC of @ Brno. They were Diren from Turkey, Diego from China and Gina from US. And it was with us also a boy from Zlin, non-aiesecer.

I had the chance to see Brno with them, we visited the Spielberk Castle, we were near the big church and we had a lot of fun together.

This is the part that I like the most in AIESEC: internationalism!

New people in town!

16th of December - 10.00 in the morning - Zvonarska Bus Station - Cati and Alex arrived in Brno. For two weeks holiday.

And the adventure began. Museums, castles, shops .... Cati was charmed by Brno and by Czech Republic.

The trams were having a speed that in Romania is strange even for trains:We visited the St. Peter and Paul Church:
We were walking around Brno till we got tired and went home:

Sunday, August 12, 2007

New opportunity abroad - CEED in Brno, Czech Republic

Hy again. Long time passed since the last post. Because I made the blog for abroad experiences, now it's time to post again.

I'm in Brno, Czech Republic, for CEED on X and TM. I don't know for how long, time will decide this.

After 23 hours in a bus, I've arrived at 4 a.m. in Brno, where Andu was waiting for me. I live in an apartment with the EB of LC Brno. They are all nice guys (and girls, of course).

First days where usuall, getting know more and more people. There are about 30 trainees here or more. Last night I meet one part of them, in a party.

About @ work, I'm working on matching 9 TN forms. And that's really keeping me busy about not thinking on my problems that I left back home.

See you in my future post!