A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Friday, August 31, 2007

@ CEEDers from Zlin - coming to Brno

Hey again. Two days after I arrived here I had the opportunity to be a guide of Brno for the CEEDers from Zlin, a close LC of @ Brno. They were Diren from Turkey, Diego from China and Gina from US. And it was with us also a boy from Zlin, non-aiesecer.

I had the chance to see Brno with them, we visited the Spielberk Castle, we were near the big church and we had a lot of fun together.

This is the part that I like the most in AIESEC: internationalism!


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