A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Monday, September 04, 2006

IC 2006 is now history

Nu am putut rezista tentatiei IC-ului si vineri dupa-masa am plecat spre Varsovia, pentru a face parte din sfarsitul glorios al Congresului International AIESEC. De ce spun glorios?
Stiam ca Romania este nominalizata la un premiu mare, dar nu speram ca o sa-l si castige.
Asadar si prin urmare, Romania a castigat „UBS GLOBAL ACHIEVEMENT AND EXCELLENCE AWARD 2006”. Acest premiu este acordat in fiecare an pentru performante si contributia la dezvoltarea membrilor sai unei tari. In 2006 a fost randul Romaniei sa castige acest premiu, pentru prima data in istoria AIESEC Romania.
I could not rezist to the tentation of the IC and Friday afternoon I left for Warsaw, to be there at the glorious ending of the IC. Why I say glorious?
I knew that Romania is nominated at a big award, but I had little hope to win.
So, Romania won “UBS GLOBAL ACHIEVEMENT AND EXCELLENCE AWARD 2006”. This award is given every year for performances and contribution to the development of her members to one country. In 2006 it was Romania’s turn to win this award, for the first time in AIESEC Romania history.

Apoi a urmat petrecerea. Ultima petrecere de la IC 2006. Lumea a dansat, s-a distrat, a mai iesit la o gura de aer (sau la o tigara, depinde de caz).
Next was the party. The last party from IC 2006. People danced, had fun, take a breath (or smoke a cigarette).

Pana dimineata, cand s-a incheiat petrecerea, s-a terminat si berea din frigidere.
Until in the morning, when the party ended, the beer ended too.

Asha cum era normal, ultimele melodii au fost roll call-uri AIESEC. Toata lumea dansa, nimeni nu era obosit si nu vroia sa plece.
Like it was normal, the last songs were AIESEC roll calls. Everybody was dancing, no one was tired or wanna to go.

Cea mai trista parte a unei conferinte este despartirea. Si ca orice conferinta care incepe cu Opening Plenary, si IC-ul s-a sfarsit cu Closing Plenary.
The sadest part of a conference is the parting. And like any conference that begins with Opening Plenary, the IC ended with Closing Plenary.

Anul viitor IC-ul va fi in Turcia.
Next year the IC will be in Turkey.
“Come to meet where the continents meet...”


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