A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Passing through life ...

Every day seems to be the same. Wake up, eat, go to the office, reading emails, matching, go home in the evening, bath, sleep.
Where is the fun in all this?

Those 2 relaxing days from end of the week, when I'm meeting with my friends, go out for a pizza, watching amovie, walking, clubbing. And in those 2 days all my angries pass and I'm charging my batteries with energy and happyness for the next week.

This is my life here!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

To be a CEEDer is good ... or not!

I know that many people will be upset after reading the post, but this is life: some are happy, some are sad, some are angry, some are just enjoyed every day life.

As you already know, I'm in Brno, Czech Republic, having a CEED experience. Or trying to have. Because many things are different then should be.
At the beginning, the host LC should offer to the CEEDer acommodation. It was my trainee that offered me this, not the LC.
And now I have to move from the flat where I'm staying, because students will be here. No one from AIESEC was interested where I will move.
Second, it is supposed that every CEEDer should have a Job Description. I don't have one.
Third, this experience should be a learning one: have meetings, changing opinions about LC reality, going to conferences, participating in LC activities and so on. I didn't have anything of this kind. I wanted to go to TtT, but they said that the is no free place for me. It was, but not for me.
And there are a lot of things that I was expecting and didn't happen. Because I'm an aiesecer, I feel the need to be involved in activities, to do something.
The only thing that I was asked to do is to send emails for promoting the TNs from here. I could do this from home, is not necessary to be in Brno.

The trainees are also not satisfied about some things here. There are like 45 trainees and 20 members, so is quite not enough members to take care about trainees.
I wouldn't like to be a trainee in a LC where they don't care about me.

So I can say that this experience didn't bring me anything to learn. I will be back home with no news for my LC. I am really dissapointed about how people are doing AIESEC in some parts of the world.
I will try as much as I can to keep my LC where he is now and not to act with my trainees and my CEEDers like they are doing with me here.
We are people and we care! But it seems that not about the same!