A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Monday, September 25, 2006


Sambata dimineata (16 septembrie 2006), inarmata cu camera foto, cu o harta si cu cutia de suc, m-am urcat in tren cu destinatia Grudziadz. Un orasel in partea centrala a Poloniei, care a avut un rol important in istoria Poloniei. Aici a fost unul din nenumaratele lagare de concentrare din timpul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial pe care germanii le-au construit pe teritoriul Poloniei. Dar nu mai exista nici o urma acum.
In orasul vechi, totul este linistit si calm, atmosfera este relaxanta, locuitorii sunt ca in orice alt oras.
Saturday morning (September 16, 2006), having with me the camera, a map and the juice, I got up in the train for Grudziadz. A little town in the center of Poland, that had an important role in Poland’ history. Here it was of countless concentration camps from the Second World War that germans built in Poland. But now is no mark about it.
In Old Town, everything is quiet and calm, the atmosphere is relaxing, people are like everywhere.

Cladiri din caramida rosie sunt pretutindeni, amintind parca de timpuri de mult apuse.
Wisła traverseaza orasul, indreptandu-se linistita spre Marea Baltica.
Red buildings are everywhere, remembering about old times. Wisła is passing through Grudziadz, following her way to the Baltic Sea.

Iar castelul, ce a fost construit pentru a apara locuitorii orasului de invaziile straine, se degradeaza pe zi ce trece.
And the Castle, that was built to protect the habitants from foreigners, is getting worse every day.

A fost o plimbare placuta si relaxanta, o zi in care am reusit sa-mi pun ordine in ganduri si sa-mi setez noi obiective.
It was a relaxing walk, a day in which I succeded to make order in my thoughts and to set new objectives.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Polish traditional Suits

Joi am stat putin mai mult la servici (nu ca in fiecare zi nu stam o ora peste program la service ca sa mai vorbim cu cei dragi de acasa), apoi am plecat prin oras. Am revizuit lista de cadouri si am vazut cam ce trebuie sa mai cumpar. Dupa ceva timp prin magazine, am fost in sediul AIESEC, unde ne asteptau, gata sa fie probate, cateva costume traditionale poloneze, pe care membrii AIESEC Olsztyn le-au folosit la Polish Night din cadrul IC-ului. Iar noi nu puteam pierde ocazia de a le incerca.

Thursday I stayed a little bit more at work (like every day is happening, to speak with our family/friends from home), then we left shopping. I’ve checked the presents’list and I saw was I still miss. After I while in the shops, I was in the AIESEC office, were several traditional Polish suits were wainting to be weared. The AIESEC Olsztyn members weared them at the Polish Night in the IC. And we couldn’t miss the opportunity to try them.

Ne-am plimbat prin campusul universitar, Kortowo, facand o multime de poze, ca niste fotomodele.

We walked through the University campus, Kortowo, making a lot of photos, like models.

Unii spun ca-mi statea chiar bine in costumul ala. As putea fi confundata cu o poloneza adevarata. Culoarea parului este asemanatoare, ochii nu ma tradeaza. Care mi-or fi originile? Sa fie si ceva de prin Polonia?

Ones of my friends are saying that I was looking very quite in that suit. I could be taken like a true Polish girl. The color of my hair is similar, the eyes are the same. Which will be my ancients? To be something in Poland too?
Dupa distractie, am si strans. Nu de alta, dar trebuie duse inapoi la casa de cultura de unde au fost luate.

After having fun, we put all back. The suits have to be delivered back to the Cultural Center were they were taken.

http://www.youtube.com/v/q-TXrcphnYo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="350">

New trainee in town

Desi s-a lasat asteptat 2 saptamani si jumatate, intr-un final a venit. Nu este vorba de cine stie ce premiera cinematografica, ci de un nou trainee in Olsztyn, oraselul in care traiesc de 2 luni incoace. Parca era prea banal sa fim noi, cele 3 romance, singurele traineetze din local. Asha ca am cerut ajutoare. Si s-a matchuit un TN cu un SN din Rusia, iar in seara zilei de 14 septembrie, Fat-Frumos a aparut. Nu calare pe un cal alb, ci cu acceleratul de Varsovia de 21:48. Celebrul tren de 21:48, cu care ne intoarcem acasa aproape in fiecare duminica seara, in caz ca venim din sud (Cracovia, Kielce, Varsovia).

Altough we waited for him 2 weeks and a half, finally he arrived. Is not about a new movie, but a new trainee in Olsztyn, the little city in which I’m living for the past two months. It was to simple to be just us, the three romanian girls, the only trainees in the LC. So we ask for help. And a TN matched with a SN from Russia, and in the evening of 14th of September, the Prince – Charming appeared. Not on a whit hourse, but with the train from warsaw at 21:48. The famous train of 21:48 as we usually use for coming back home every Sunday evening if we are coming from the South (Krakow, Kielce, Warsaw).

Traineeship-ul lui dureaza trei luni, deci in urmatoarea luna o sa cautam cateva idei traznite de a petrece timpul liber impreuna. Iar pe 19 septembrie vine traineetza din Hong Kong. Yuppyyy!
His traineeship is for 3 months, so in the next month will look for some crazy ideas to spend the time together. And on 19th of September a girl from Hong Kong is coming. Yuppyyy!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Home weekend made in Poland

Primul weekend in care stau acasa. Numesc acasa camera de la demisolul casei roz de pe Szczekin Krotowa 4, Olsztyn.
Vineri am fost fortata de o sinuzita sa stau in pat pana la ora 12, astfel incat nu am ajuns la servici. Mi-am facut o supa la plic pe care am imbunatatit-o cu cativa cartofi, asa cum facea mama la mare, in concediu, atunci cand stateam la gazda. Seara am fost in sediul @, sa scriu articolul pentru buletinul Universitatii si sa-l trimit.
Luna era atat de frumoasa vineri seara, incat imi venea sa stau afara, cu ea. Dar frigul ma tragea de maneca si imi aducea aminte ca ar trebui sa intru in casa. A fost o seara banala, in care am adormit gandindu-ma la cei dragi, asa cum se intampla de altfel in fiecare seara.
Sambata a fost o zi cu activitati casnice (mancare, spalat rufe, putina ordine prin hartii).
Sambata seara m-am simtit singura, uitata de toti. Pana cand telefonul a sunat. Cred ca era ultima persoana la care ma gandeam ca putea fi. O persoana care inseamna mult pentru mine, dar careia nu speram sa-i mai aud vocea prea curand. Ma suna sa-mi spuna ca a doua zi pleaca din Polonia, pleaca acasa, la familie, la prieteni. Sansa de a ne mai vedea vreodata este incerta, depinde de viata fiecaruia. Se spune ca viitorul ti-l faci singur. Desi nu am stat decat 2 weekend-uri in preajma acestei persoane, a reusit sa-mi induca un sentiment de siguranta de care aveam nevoie. Iar acum, cand mi-a spus ca pleaca, desi stiam, ma simt si mai singura.
Cand am intrat in @, unul din obiectivele mele a fost sa ajung la o conferinta internationala. Intamplarea a facut sa ajung la cea mai mare, Congresul International. Sentimentele pe care le ai in momentul in care stai in aceeasi sala cu alti 800 de membri @, oameni din 94 de tari, sunt inexplicabile in cuvinte. Numai cine a trait asa ceva poate intelege ce vreau sa zic.
Dupa 6 saptamani in Polonia, pot spune ca experimentasem internationalismul. Dar experienta IC-ului este unica si i-as dori fiecarui membru @ sa poata atinge astfel de sentimente. Iti faci prieteni din toate colturile lumii, pe care nu stii daca ii mai vezi vreodata, dar care te vor ajuta atunci cand te astepti mai putin si te vor surprinde cu o veste de la ei atunci cand credeai ca te-am uitat.
The first weekend of staying home. I call home the room in the pink house on Szczekin Krotowa 4, Olsztyn.
On Friday I was pushed by a sinusitis to stay in bed till noon, so I wasn't able to reach work. I made a Knorr soup and added some potatoes in it, like my mother used to do in holiday, at the seaside. In the evening I was in @ office, to write the article for University' newspaper and to send it.
The moon was so beautiful Friday evening, that I wished to stay outside longer, watching her. But it was cold and the weather told me that I should enter the house. It was an ordinary evening, and I fell asleep thinking about my dears, as usually happens.
Saturday was for home activities (cooking, washing, cleaning).
Saturday evening I was feeling alone, forgotten by all. Till the phone rang up. It was the last person I was thinking about. A person that means a lot to me, but a had little hope to hear his voice again. He was calling me to say that the next day he was leaving Poland, going home, to his family and friends. The chance of seeing each other again is unknown, it depends on everybody's life. It is said that you make your future by your own. Although we stayed one near the other just 2 weekends, he succeeded to make me feel the safety that I needed. And now, when he told that he's leaving, although I knew, I feel more lonelyness around me.
When I joined @, one of my objectives was to go to an international conference. And I had the luck to be in the biggest, International Congress. The feelings that are passing you when you are in the same showroom with 800 @ members, people from 94 contries, are not possible to be put in words. Only who passed through this can understand me.
After 6 weeks in Poland, I can say that I knew what internationalism is. But the IC experience is unique and I wish for every @ member to feel that kind of feelings. You make friends all over the world, whom you don't know if you'll ever see them again, but that will help you when you expect less and they will surprise you with a "Hello"" when you thought that they fotget about you.

Monday, September 04, 2006

IC 2006 is now history

Nu am putut rezista tentatiei IC-ului si vineri dupa-masa am plecat spre Varsovia, pentru a face parte din sfarsitul glorios al Congresului International AIESEC. De ce spun glorios?
Stiam ca Romania este nominalizata la un premiu mare, dar nu speram ca o sa-l si castige.
Asadar si prin urmare, Romania a castigat „UBS GLOBAL ACHIEVEMENT AND EXCELLENCE AWARD 2006”. Acest premiu este acordat in fiecare an pentru performante si contributia la dezvoltarea membrilor sai unei tari. In 2006 a fost randul Romaniei sa castige acest premiu, pentru prima data in istoria AIESEC Romania.
I could not rezist to the tentation of the IC and Friday afternoon I left for Warsaw, to be there at the glorious ending of the IC. Why I say glorious?
I knew that Romania is nominated at a big award, but I had little hope to win.
So, Romania won “UBS GLOBAL ACHIEVEMENT AND EXCELLENCE AWARD 2006”. This award is given every year for performances and contribution to the development of her members to one country. In 2006 it was Romania’s turn to win this award, for the first time in AIESEC Romania history.

Apoi a urmat petrecerea. Ultima petrecere de la IC 2006. Lumea a dansat, s-a distrat, a mai iesit la o gura de aer (sau la o tigara, depinde de caz).
Next was the party. The last party from IC 2006. People danced, had fun, take a breath (or smoke a cigarette).

Pana dimineata, cand s-a incheiat petrecerea, s-a terminat si berea din frigidere.
Until in the morning, when the party ended, the beer ended too.

Asha cum era normal, ultimele melodii au fost roll call-uri AIESEC. Toata lumea dansa, nimeni nu era obosit si nu vroia sa plece.
Like it was normal, the last songs were AIESEC roll calls. Everybody was dancing, no one was tired or wanna to go.

Cea mai trista parte a unei conferinte este despartirea. Si ca orice conferinta care incepe cu Opening Plenary, si IC-ul s-a sfarsit cu Closing Plenary.
The sadest part of a conference is the parting. And like any conference that begins with Opening Plenary, the IC ended with Closing Plenary.

Anul viitor IC-ul va fi in Turcia.
Next year the IC will be in Turkey.
“Come to meet where the continents meet...”