Malbork & Gdansk
Nici al treilea weekend in Polonia nu a fost unul linistit, chiar daca vremea a fost urata, cu ploi mai tot timpul.
Sambata dimineata am plecat la Malbork, cel mai mare castel gotic din Europa la data ridicarii lui, in 1245. A fost construit de Ordinul Cavalerilor Teutoni.
Neither the third weekend in Poland was one calm, even if the weather was ugly, rainy almost all the time. Saturday morning I left for Malbork, the largest Gothic castle in Europe when it was built, in 1245. It was made by Teutonic Order.
Este un complex impresionant, care, desi a trecut prin atatea de-a lungul timpului (a fost distrus de nenumarate ori), a fost reconstruit si astazi se afla intr-o stare destul de buna. Nu se viziteaza decat o mica parte.
It is a impressive complex, which, although was passing through so many during time (it was destroyed several times), it was rebuilt and now it's quite ok. You can visit just a little part from it.
Este un loc plin de istorie, de traditii, de evenimente. Pentru cei care vor sa afle mai multe informatii, accesati
It's a place full of history, traditions, events. For those who want to find out more, go to
Ziua a continuat cu o plimbare prin Gdansk, pe arterele cele mai aglomerate, unde se desfasura St. Dominique's Fair, un fel de iarmaroc in varianta lor. Puteai gasi de toate: bijuterii, haine, macrameuri, tablouri, oale si ulcele, sucuri naturale, vinuri, jeleuri si lista poate continua.
Am gasit si cateva momente in care am mai facut poze, intre 2 jeleuri:
The day continued with a walk in Gdansk, on the most crowded streets, where was St. Dominique's Fair. You cand find there all: jewels, clothes, macrame, paintings, pots, natural juices, wines, jellies and the list may go on.
I found some moments to make some photos, between 2 jellies:
Stiti ca era in Bucuresti acum ceva timp (anul trecut parca) o expozitie de vaci colorate? Ei, in Gdansk am gasit o expozitie de cocosi:
Do you know that it was in Bucharest some time ago a exposition with coloured cows? Eh, in Gdansk I found one with cocks:
Seara ne-am petrecut-o intr-un club in Sopot, Costinesti-ul lor.
Iar duminica am mancat in Gdynia de dimineata/pranz
Tee evening we spent it in a club in Sopot, their Costinesti.
And Sunday we ate breakfast/lunch in Gdynia.
si am facut o escala in Sopot sa vedem marea inainte sa plecam spre Olsztyn si sa ne intoarcem la viata de angajat.
and we made a stop in Sopot to see the Baltic Sea before leaving for Olsztyn, back to the employs' life.
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