A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Monday, October 09, 2006

All beautiful things have an end

Pe 16 iulie am plecat. Lansand in urma familia si prietenii, indreptandu-ma spre o tara despre nu stiam decat din povesti, documentare si internet. Plecam din Ploiesti, orasul in care am crescut toata viata, in Olsztyn, despre care nu auzisem nimik. Nici de bine, nici de rau.
17 iulie – prima zi la servici. Aici urmeaza sa lucrez pentru 3 luni:
On 16th of July I left home. Leaving the family and friends, going in a country that I was knowing nothing about, just from stories, documentaries and internet. I was leaving Ploiesti, were I grew all my life, for Olsztyn, that it was mistery for me.
17th of July – first day at work. Here I will work for the next 3 months:

Ne-am luat in primire birourile si am facut cunostinta cu viitorii colegi. Doamne ajuta ca vorbesc ceva engleza, ca altfel nush cum era.
We meet our new collegues and we saw our offices. Thanks God that they are speaking English.

Aici o sa lucrez pt trei luni, mi-am zis in acea zi. Si asha a fost. Noroc ca nu am inceput totul singura. Alaturi de mine, in acelasi birou, era Cori, si ea la fel de rezervata in ceea ce priveste viitorul nostru. Am pornit insa la drum cu incredere si dorinta de a invata.
Here I’ll work for 3 months, I said to myself in that day. And it was like that. Lucky me that I wasn’t alone in this begining. Next to me, in the same office, was Cori, same moderate like me in what will be in our future. I started this way with trust and learning desire.

Acum, cand mai sunt cateva zile si o sa plec, ma uit in urma si realizez tot ce-a fost.
O sa-mi lipseasca diminetile in care stateam la o cafea si la un fursec, inainte de a ne indrepta spre birourile noastre si de a ne apuca de lucru,
Now, when there are few days more and I’ll go, I’m looking behind and I’m realizing all that happened. I’ll miss the mornings when we stayed for a coffee and a cake, efofe going to our officces and work,

diminetile in care colegii nostri luau lectii de romana,
those mornings when our collegues were taking romanian lessons,

dupa-amiezele in care ieseam cu totii la o bere.
the afternoons when we all went out for a beer.

Dar pe langa partea fun, mai si lucram.
But we also worked, not just having fun.

O sa le duc dorul, dar o sa-mi aduc aminte de ele cu placere, pentru ca toate fac parte din primul eu traineeship AIESEC. Si stiti cu totii ca „Prima data e mereu speciala!”.
I’ll miss all this, but I’’l remember them with happyness, because all are a part of my first AIESEC traineeship. And you all know that „First time is allways special!”


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