A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

International Congress of AIESEC

Visul meu de a ajunge la cea mai mare conferinta AIESEC s-a indeplinit in weekend-ul 24-27 august (un weekend prelungit :D ). Sa vezi la un loc delegati din 91 de tari nu ti se intampla in fiecare zi.
Primul semn al imensitatii importantei acestei conferinte l-am avut in Varsovia, in timp ce asteptam autobuzul sa mergem la Ceremonia de Deschidere. Ia uitati ce am gasit in statie:

My dream of being at the biggest AIESEC conference came true in the 24-27 august (a long weekend :D ). To see together delegates from 91 countries is not happening every day.
The first sign of the importance of this conference was in Warsaw, while expecting the bus to go the Opening Ceremony, we saw this:

Ceremonia de Deschidere a avut nu mai putin de 2000 de invitati, membri AIESEC ca delegati, alumni, personalitati din Polonia, artisti.
The Opening Ceremony had no less than 2000 invites, AIESEC members, alumni, VIP from Poland, artists.

Vineri a fost Global Village, un eveniment ce a avut loc in centrul Varsoviei, intr-un parc imens, langa Palatul de Cultura. Multa lume necunoscuta, dar si multe surprize. Am gasit multi romani in MC-uri straine: Belgia, Germania, Austria, Bahrain.

On Friday was the Global Village, an event that took place in the center of Warsaw, in a huge park, near the Culture Palace. Many unknown faces, but many surprises too. I found that are more romanians in MCs abroad: Belgium, Germany, Austria, Bahrain.

Si am avut surpriza sa ma intalnesc si cu SN buddy-ul trainee-tzei mele din LC, al lui Vivian.
And I had the surprise to met the SN buddy of Vivian, the trainee from my home LC.

Sambata seara am pregatit o seara romaneasca in apartamentul unui roman trainee in Varsovia. Am acut ca invitati people din Serbia, Macedonia, India, Polonia, Mexic, Rusia, Germania, Croatia, Japonia.
Saturday evening we prepared a romanian cooking night in the apartment of a romanian trainee in Warsaw. We had guests from Serbia, Macedonia, India, Poland, Mexico, Russia, Germany, Croatia, Japan.

Plimbarile prin Varsovia mi-au dezvaluit un alt oras vechi, cu palate, biserici si parcuri.
The walks through Warsaw revealed me another old town, with palaces, churches and parks.

Weekend-ul viitor ma gandeam sa revin la IC, pentru Ceremonia de Inchidere.
Next weekend I was thinking to go back at the IC, for the Closing Ceremony.


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