Going to Hel
Si am ajuns si acolo, la capatul uitat de lume. Ia o harta a Poloniei si uita-te dupa orasul Hel. Slabe sanse sa-l gasesti. Daca iti dau o directie, poate totusi reusesti. In nordul Poloniei este o peninsula, o limba de pamant ingusta, care se termina cu oraselul Hel. Potzi ajunge acolo pe mai multe cai. Noi am ales-o pe cea mai frumoasa: cu feribotul din Gdynia, strabatand Marea Baltica.
And I got there, in the lost world. Take a map of Poland and look for Hel. Harder you will find it. If I give you a direction, maybe you succeed. In the North of Poland is a peninsula, athin part of earth, that ends with Hel. You can get there by many ways. We choosed the most nice: by boat from Gdynia, pacing the Baltic Sea.
Pentru mine era prima data cand calatoream pe mare. A fost o experienta inedita, mai ales in momentele in care vasul se legana de pe stanga pe dreapta.
For me was the first time when I travelled by sea. It was a unpublished experience, especially when the boat dangled from the left to the right.
Soarele nu prea a tinut cu noi, dar ne-a oferit un spectacol frumos, aparand cate putin de dupa nori si reflectandu-se in apa.
The sun was a little bit upset on us, but he offered us a beautiful show, staying behind the clouds and reflecting in the water.
Ce mai, a fost o plimbare placuta (si asta nu implica decat dus pana in Hel)
It was a nice walk with the feri (just the way to Hel).
It was a nice walk with the feri (just the way to Hel).
Ce bine e sa simti pamantul sub picioare (de fapt, era digul din beton!)
It feels so good to have the ground under your feets (or the concrete pier!)
It feels so good to have the ground under your feets (or the concrete pier!)
Hel are Marea Baltica deschisa, apa fiind mai rece decat in interiorul golfului. Dar tot am incercat-o putin.
Hel has the Baltic Sea open, the water is more cold than inside the golf. But I tried it few seconds.
Portul era plin de bijuterii si nu am putut rata ocazia de a face o poza cu ele .
The port was full of jewels and I couldn't miss the opportunity to make a photo with them.
The port was full of jewels and I couldn't miss the opportunity to make a photo with them.
Si acum incepe partea frumoasa. Ati vazut vreodata un apus la mare? Presupun ca da. Dar l-ati vazut si de la bordul unui feribot, in toate fazele lui?
And now begins the nice part. Have you ever seen a sunset on sea? I suppose yes. But did you saw from a feri, in all the fases?
Privelistea este mai mult decat romantica si merita, macar o data in viata, sa vezi asha ceva. Si nu singura, cum eram eu.
Se spune ca apa te oboseste, iar, pentru ca se lasase racoare afara, am intrat in feribot, unde am mai chat-uit un pic.
Se spune ca apa te oboseste, iar, pentru ca se lasase racoare afara, am intrat in feribot, unde am mai chat-uit un pic.
The view is more than romantic and it is a must to see that, once in your life. And not alone, as I was there.
It said that water is tiring you, so, because it was a little bit cold outside, we entered the feri where we had a little chat.
Seara s-a incheiat intr-un club din Sopot, Coliba, care era plin pana la refuz, unde oameni de toate varstele (pana pe la vreo 60 de ani, dupa cum am vazut eu) se simteau bine, dansau, radeau. Ce mai, isi traiau viata.
Duminica (20.09) am fost in Sopot, sa ma plimb pe malul marii. Apa nu era asha rece ca in Hel, asha ca am incercat-o ceva mai mult.
The evening ended in a club in Sopot, Coliba, that was full, where people of all ages (even 60, as I saw) danced and felling good. They lived their life!
Duminica (20.09) am fost in Sopot, sa ma plimb pe malul marii. Apa nu era asha rece ca in Hel, asha ca am incercat-o ceva mai mult.
The evening ended in a club in Sopot, Coliba, that was full, where people of all ages (even 60, as I saw) danced and felling good. They lived their life!
On Sunday I was in Sopot, to walk on the beach. The water wasn't so cold like in Hel, so I tried it a little bit more.
Dar a fost suficient de rece, drept dovada stand raceala care inca nu mi-a trecut.
Am avut timp sa meditez si sa ma gandesc la cei dragi, sa-mi fac planuri si sa visez.
Am avut timp sa meditez si sa ma gandesc la cei dragi, sa-mi fac planuri si sa visez.
But it was enough cold, because I got a flew that I still have it.
I had time to meditate and to think by the lovely ones, to make plans and to dream.
Dar toate au un sfarsit. Si a trebuit sa mai si plec la un moment dat.
But all has an end. And I had to leave at one moment.
Am plecat, dar nu acasa, ci in Gdansk. Sa-mi clatesc ochii la tarabele din Targul Sf. Dominique. Dar ia uitati ce am gasit:
I left, but not home, to Gdansk. To relax my eyes in the St. Dominique Fair. But look what I found:
Si era o intreaga parada, nu numai un exemplar. Am vrut sa raman acolo, dar nu se putea. Totusi, mi-am gasit un nou motto:
And it was a whole parade, not just one piece. I wish I could stay there with them, but it was impossible. However, I found a new motto:
Un alt weekend minunat petrecut in Polonia. Incepe sa-mi placa tara asta!
Another lovely weekend! I really like this country!
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