Long weekend in Krakow
Weekend-ul lung in Polonia a fost unul plin de peripetii. Totul a inceput sambata dimineata la ora 4:45, cand ne-am urcat in taxiul care ne astepta in fata casei. Apoi a urmat un drum cu trenul, interminabil, de 9 ore. Am crezut ca nu se mai sfarseste. Dar intr-un final am ajuns.
The long weekend in Poland was one full of adventures. All began Saturday morning at 4:45 a.m., when we took the taxi that was waiting for us in front of our house. Then it was the train trip, during 9 hours. An finally we go there.
Primul obiectiv vizitat a fost Wieliczka, mina de sare din apropiere de Cracovia. Este structurata pe 9 nivele, dar decat 3 pot fi vizitate. Dar a fost suficient pt noi, pt ca au fost 2 km de mers. 2 km frumosi, in care am vazut multe lucruri interesante.
Our first stop was Wieliczka, the salt mine near Krakow. It has 9 levels, but only 3 are opened for the visitors. But it was enough for us because we had to walk 2 km. 2 interesting km.
Dar tot ce avem in Romania mi se pare mai frumos !
But it seems to me that our mines from Romania are more valuable.
Duminica am luat la picior Cracovia, vizitand cele mai importante locuri: Biserica St. Marie, main Square,
Sunday we walked through Krakow, visiting the most important places: Mariatcki Church, Piata Miasto,
cea de-a doua universitate ca vechime din Europa (prima este in Praga) ,
the second old university in Europe (the first one is in Prague) ,
castelul Wawel (resedinta regilor polonezi)
Wawel Castle (Polish kings’ house)
M-am simtit ca o printesa in mijlocul atator frumuseti.
I felt like a princess in the middle of all that beautiful things
Din pacate nu am putut vizita si camerele castelui pt ca era inchis.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t visit the rooms because it was closed.
Luni am avut ca destinatie Auschwitz, un loc incarcat de tristete si de regrete, de lacrimi si de compatimire. Imaginea care urmeaza spune tot.
On Monday we went to Auschwitz, a place full of sadness and regrets, of tears and feelings. The next image says all.
Seara am avut parte de o bye - bye party pt Hesam, un trainee din Canada, care a inceput la el acasa si s-a continuat intr-un club gay (o noutate pentru mine sa merg intr-un astfel de loc, dar a fost interesant)
At night we had a Bye Bye Party for Hesam, a trainee from Canada, that started in his place and continued in a gay club (it was something new for me, but interesting in the same time)
Iar marti, dupa ce m-am ratacit nitel prin Cracovia si mi-am cumparat o harta sa stiu pe unde ma aflu, am plecat spre casa, trista ca nu am vazut tot, dar cu speranta ca voi reveni vreoata in orasul mirific atat ziua, cat si noaptea.
And Tuesday, after I got lost a little in Krakow and I had to buy a map to see where I am, I left for Olsztyn, a little bit sad because I couldn’t see all, but hoping that I will return someday in the marvelous city by day and by night too.
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