A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The change

Traineeship-ul se anunta a fi unul bun din toate punctele de vedere. Aveam o camera intr-o casa roz, cu acces la baie, bucatarie si masina de spalat.

My internship was about to be a good one from all points of view. We had a room in a pink house, access to the bathroom, kitchen, washing machine.
Multe reguli stupide insa:
- nu aveam voie sa facem dus dupa ora 23.00;
- puteam sa spalam rufe o data pe luna (noi fiind trei, insemna de 3 ori pe luna);
- lumina de la holul cu incaltarile trebuia s-o stingem dupa la 7.40 a.m.;
- lumina de la holul spre baie trebuia stinsa dupa ora 23.00;
- s-a intamplat de multe ori sa ne gasim rufele stranse de la uscat si aruncate gramada undeva, desi cand plecasem noi la servici nu erau uscate;
- proprietara intra in camera noastra de cate ori avea chef si nu singura, ci chiar insotita de straini;
- aveam voie sa folosim apa calda (pentru a face dus, a te spala pe cap) decat 5 minute; daca o foloseam mai mult, trebuia sa platim in plus.
Many stupid rules appeared:
- we were not allowed to make a shower after 11.00 p.m.;
- we could wash our clothes just once a month (we were three, that means 3 times a month);
- the light from the hall were we had our shoes ahould be turn off afer 7.40 in the morning;
- the light from the hall to the bathroom turned off after 11.00 p.m.;
- we found our clothes taken from drying and put somewhere, in a crowd;
- the land owner was entering in our room and NOT alone;
- we were allowed to use the hot wather just 5 minutes/evening.

Tinand cont si de faptul ca noi stateam 3 intr-o camera si plateam mai mult decat platea o alta fata care statea in aceeasi casa, dar singura in camera, aveam tot dreptul sa fim suparate. Doar puteam trece peste toate, atat timp cat ni se permitea sa stam acolo pana pe 13 octombrie, cand plecam acasa, si ne semnau si contractul de inchiriere de care avem nevoie.
Taking in consideration that we were three in a room and we paid more than anothr girl that was staying in the same house, but alone in a room, we had all the rights to be upset. But we could pass through all, as long as we were allowed to stay till 13th of October, when we were leaving home, and they signed our rent contracts that we needed.
Dar n-a fost sa fie. O rasturnare de situatie s-a produs in ziua de 21 septembrie, cand ne-am facut bagajele si ne-am mutat. Intr-un apartament, unde am inchiriat o camera mare. Si nici macar nu ne mai plictisim acum, pentru ca exista el:

But it wasn’t good till the end. A changing of plans happened on 21st of September, when we packed everything and we moved. In a apartment, were we rent a big room. And no one is bored now, because of he.


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