A fi sau a nu fi ...

Singura pe un taram strain, doar eu cu gandurile mele. Am incredere in fortele mele de supravietuire ... Si totusi, singur poti fi si in tara ta, in orasul tau, intre prietenii cu care ai crescut ...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

International Congress of AIESEC

Visul meu de a ajunge la cea mai mare conferinta AIESEC s-a indeplinit in weekend-ul 24-27 august (un weekend prelungit :D ). Sa vezi la un loc delegati din 91 de tari nu ti se intampla in fiecare zi.
Primul semn al imensitatii importantei acestei conferinte l-am avut in Varsovia, in timp ce asteptam autobuzul sa mergem la Ceremonia de Deschidere. Ia uitati ce am gasit in statie:

My dream of being at the biggest AIESEC conference came true in the 24-27 august (a long weekend :D ). To see together delegates from 91 countries is not happening every day.
The first sign of the importance of this conference was in Warsaw, while expecting the bus to go the Opening Ceremony, we saw this:

Ceremonia de Deschidere a avut nu mai putin de 2000 de invitati, membri AIESEC ca delegati, alumni, personalitati din Polonia, artisti.
The Opening Ceremony had no less than 2000 invites, AIESEC members, alumni, VIP from Poland, artists.

Vineri a fost Global Village, un eveniment ce a avut loc in centrul Varsoviei, intr-un parc imens, langa Palatul de Cultura. Multa lume necunoscuta, dar si multe surprize. Am gasit multi romani in MC-uri straine: Belgia, Germania, Austria, Bahrain.

On Friday was the Global Village, an event that took place in the center of Warsaw, in a huge park, near the Culture Palace. Many unknown faces, but many surprises too. I found that are more romanians in MCs abroad: Belgium, Germany, Austria, Bahrain.

Si am avut surpriza sa ma intalnesc si cu SN buddy-ul trainee-tzei mele din LC, al lui Vivian.
And I had the surprise to met the SN buddy of Vivian, the trainee from my home LC.

Sambata seara am pregatit o seara romaneasca in apartamentul unui roman trainee in Varsovia. Am acut ca invitati people din Serbia, Macedonia, India, Polonia, Mexic, Rusia, Germania, Croatia, Japonia.
Saturday evening we prepared a romanian cooking night in the apartment of a romanian trainee in Warsaw. We had guests from Serbia, Macedonia, India, Poland, Mexico, Russia, Germany, Croatia, Japan.

Plimbarile prin Varsovia mi-au dezvaluit un alt oras vechi, cu palate, biserici si parcuri.
The walks through Warsaw revealed me another old town, with palaces, churches and parks.

Weekend-ul viitor ma gandeam sa revin la IC, pentru Ceremonia de Inchidere.
Next weekend I was thinking to go back at the IC, for the Closing Ceremony.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Going to Hel

Si am ajuns si acolo, la capatul uitat de lume. Ia o harta a Poloniei si uita-te dupa orasul Hel. Slabe sanse sa-l gasesti. Daca iti dau o directie, poate totusi reusesti. In nordul Poloniei este o peninsula, o limba de pamant ingusta, care se termina cu oraselul Hel. Potzi ajunge acolo pe mai multe cai. Noi am ales-o pe cea mai frumoasa: cu feribotul din Gdynia, strabatand Marea Baltica.
And I got there, in the lost world. Take a map of Poland and look for Hel. Harder you will find it. If I give you a direction, maybe you succeed. In the North of Poland is a peninsula, athin part of earth, that ends with Hel. You can get there by many ways. We choosed the most nice: by boat from Gdynia, pacing the Baltic Sea.

Pentru mine era prima data cand calatoream pe mare. A fost o experienta inedita, mai ales in momentele in care vasul se legana de pe stanga pe dreapta.
For me was the first time when I travelled by sea. It was a unpublished experience, especially when the boat dangled from the left to the right.

Soarele nu prea a tinut cu noi, dar ne-a oferit un spectacol frumos, aparand cate putin de dupa nori si reflectandu-se in apa.
The sun was a little bit upset on us, but he offered us a beautiful show, staying behind the clouds and reflecting in the water.

Ce mai, a fost o plimbare placuta (si asta nu implica decat dus pana in Hel)
It was a nice walk with the feri (just the way to Hel).

Ce bine e sa simti pamantul sub picioare (de fapt, era digul din beton!)
It feels so good to have the ground under your feets (or the concrete pier!)

Hel are Marea Baltica deschisa, apa fiind mai rece decat in interiorul golfului. Dar tot am incercat-o putin.
Hel has the Baltic Sea open, the water is more cold than inside the golf. But I tried it few seconds.

Portul era plin de bijuterii si nu am putut rata ocazia de a face o poza cu ele .
The port was full of jewels and I couldn't miss the opportunity to make a photo with them.

Si acum incepe partea frumoasa. Ati vazut vreodata un apus la mare? Presupun ca da. Dar l-ati vazut si de la bordul unui feribot, in toate fazele lui?
And now begins the nice part. Have you ever seen a sunset on sea? I suppose yes. But did you saw from a feri, in all the fases?

Privelistea este mai mult decat romantica si merita, macar o data in viata, sa vezi asha ceva. Si nu singura, cum eram eu.
Se spune ca apa te oboseste, iar, pentru ca se lasase racoare afara, am intrat in feribot, unde am mai chat-uit un pic.
The view is more than romantic and it is a must to see that, once in your life. And not alone, as I was there.
It said that water is tiring you, so, because it was a little bit cold outside, we entered the feri where we had a little chat.

Seara s-a incheiat intr-un club din Sopot, Coliba, care era plin pana la refuz, unde oameni de toate varstele (pana pe la vreo 60 de ani, dupa cum am vazut eu) se simteau bine, dansau, radeau. Ce mai, isi traiau viata.
Duminica (20.09) am fost in Sopot, sa ma plimb pe malul marii. Apa nu era asha rece ca in Hel, asha ca am incercat-o ceva mai mult.
The evening ended in a club in Sopot, Coliba, that was full, where people of all ages (even 60, as I saw) danced and felling good. They lived their life!
On Sunday I was in Sopot, to walk on the beach. The water wasn't so cold like in Hel, so I tried it a little bit more.

Dar a fost suficient de rece, drept dovada stand raceala care inca nu mi-a trecut.
Am avut timp sa meditez si sa ma gandesc la cei dragi, sa-mi fac planuri si sa visez.
But it was enough cold, because I got a flew that I still have it.
I had time to meditate and to think by the lovely ones, to make plans and to dream.

Dar toate au un sfarsit. Si a trebuit sa mai si plec la un moment dat.
But all has an end. And I had to leave at one moment.

Am plecat, dar nu acasa, ci in Gdansk. Sa-mi clatesc ochii la tarabele din Targul Sf. Dominique. Dar ia uitati ce am gasit:
I left, but not home, to Gdansk. To relax my eyes in the St. Dominique Fair. But look what I found:

Si era o intreaga parada, nu numai un exemplar. Am vrut sa raman acolo, dar nu se putea. Totusi, mi-am gasit un nou motto:
And it was a whole parade, not just one piece. I wish I could stay there with them, but it was impossible. However, I found a new motto:

Un alt weekend minunat petrecut in Polonia. Incepe sa-mi placa tara asta!

Another lovely weekend! I really like this country!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Long weekend in Krakow

Weekend-ul lung in Polonia a fost unul plin de peripetii. Totul a inceput sambata dimineata la ora 4:45, cand ne-am urcat in taxiul care ne astepta in fata casei. Apoi a urmat un drum cu trenul, interminabil, de 9 ore. Am crezut ca nu se mai sfarseste. Dar intr-un final am ajuns.
The long weekend in Poland was one full of adventures. All began Saturday morning at 4:45 a.m., when we took the taxi that was waiting for us in front of our house. Then it was the train trip, during 9 hours. An finally we go there.

Primul obiectiv vizitat a fost Wieliczka, mina de sare din apropiere de Cracovia. Este structurata pe 9 nivele, dar decat 3 pot fi vizitate. Dar a fost suficient pt noi, pt ca au fost 2 km de mers. 2 km frumosi, in care am vazut multe lucruri interesante.
Our first stop was Wieliczka, the salt mine near Krakow. It has 9 levels, but only 3 are opened for the visitors. But it was enough for us because we had to walk 2 km. 2 interesting km.

Dar tot ce avem in Romania mi se pare mai frumos !
But it seems to me that our mines from Romania are more valuable.

Duminica am luat la picior Cracovia, vizitand cele mai importante locuri: Biserica St. Marie, main Square,
Sunday we walked through Krakow, visiting the most important places: Mariatcki Church, Piata Miasto,

cea de-a doua universitate ca vechime din Europa (prima este in Praga) ,
the second old university in Europe (the first one is in Prague) ,

castelul Wawel (resedinta regilor polonezi)
Wawel Castle (Polish kings’ house)

M-am simtit ca o printesa in mijlocul atator frumuseti.
I felt like a princess in the middle of all that beautiful things

Din pacate nu am putut vizita si camerele castelui pt ca era inchis.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t visit the rooms because it was closed.

Luni am avut ca destinatie Auschwitz, un loc incarcat de tristete si de regrete, de lacrimi si de compatimire. Imaginea care urmeaza spune tot.
On Monday we went to Auschwitz, a place full of sadness and regrets, of tears and feelings. The next image says all.

Seara am avut parte de o bye - bye party pt Hesam, un trainee din Canada, care a inceput la el acasa si s-a continuat intr-un club gay (o noutate pentru mine sa merg intr-un astfel de loc, dar a fost interesant)
At night we had a Bye Bye Party for Hesam, a trainee from Canada, that started in his place and continued in a gay club (it was something new for me, but interesting in the same time)

Iar marti, dupa ce m-am ratacit nitel prin Cracovia si mi-am cumparat o harta sa stiu pe unde ma aflu, am plecat spre casa, trista ca nu am vazut tot, dar cu speranta ca voi reveni vreoata in orasul mirific atat ziua, cat si noaptea.
And Tuesday, after I got lost a little in Krakow and I had to buy a map to see where I am, I left for Olsztyn, a little bit sad because I couldn’t see all, but hoping that I will return someday in the marvelous city by day and by night too.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Malbork & Gdansk

Nici al treilea weekend in Polonia nu a fost unul linistit, chiar daca vremea a fost urata, cu ploi mai tot timpul.
Sambata dimineata am plecat la Malbork, cel mai mare castel gotic din Europa la data ridicarii lui, in 1245. A fost construit de Ordinul Cavalerilor Teutoni.

Neither the third weekend in Poland was one calm, even if the weather was ugly, rainy almost all the time. Saturday morning I left for Malbork, the largest Gothic castle in Europe when it was built, in 1245. It was made by Teutonic Order.

Este un complex impresionant, care, desi a trecut prin atatea de-a lungul timpului (a fost distrus de nenumarate ori), a fost reconstruit si astazi se afla intr-o stare destul de buna. Nu se viziteaza decat o mica parte.

It is a impressive complex, which, although was passing through so many during time (it was destroyed several times), it was rebuilt and now it's quite ok. You can visit just a little part from it.

Este un loc plin de istorie, de traditii, de evenimente. Pentru cei care vor sa afle mai multe informatii, accesati www.malbork.pl/en

It's a place full of history, traditions, events. For those who want to find out more, go to www.malbork.pl/en

Ziua a continuat cu o plimbare prin Gdansk, pe arterele cele mai aglomerate, unde se desfasura St. Dominique's Fair, un fel de iarmaroc in varianta lor. Puteai gasi de toate: bijuterii, haine, macrameuri, tablouri, oale si ulcele, sucuri naturale, vinuri, jeleuri si lista poate continua.

Am gasit si cateva momente in care am mai facut poze, intre 2 jeleuri:

The day continued with a walk in Gdansk, on the most crowded streets, where was St. Dominique's Fair. You cand find there all: jewels, clothes, macrame, paintings, pots, natural juices, wines, jellies and the list may go on.

I found some moments to make some photos, between 2 jellies:

Stiti ca era in Bucuresti acum ceva timp (anul trecut parca) o expozitie de vaci colorate? Ei, in Gdansk am gasit o expozitie de cocosi:

Do you know that it was in Bucharest some time ago a exposition with coloured cows? Eh, in Gdansk I found one with cocks:

Seara ne-am petrecut-o intr-un club in Sopot, Costinesti-ul lor.

Iar duminica am mancat in Gdynia de dimineata/pranz

Tee evening we spent it in a club in Sopot, their Costinesti.

And Sunday we ate breakfast/lunch in Gdynia.

si am facut o escala in Sopot sa vedem marea inainte sa plecam spre Olsztyn si sa ne intoarcem la viata de angajat.

and we made a stop in Sopot to see the Baltic Sea before leaving for Olsztyn, back to the employs' life.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Reception Weekend in Kielce

Si a venit si ziua de 28 iulie, cand am plecat spre Kielce, unde ne astepta un Reception Weekend. Primul la care participam ... nu stiam cum avea sa fie, decat imi imaginam. Acum, dupa ce a trecut, pot sa spun ca nu-mi imaginam sa fie asha diferit. O sa intelegeti din cele de mai jos de ce spun asta.
Dupa un drum de 7 ore, cu oasele amortite de stat in acelasi compartiment, ajungem in gara de la Kielce. Modesta, nu foarte mare, cu cateva magazine. O gara ca oricare alta, as spune eu.
Noi am pierdut tot programul de vineri, dar cele 2 zile care au urmat au fost suficiente incat sa o compenseze si pe prima.
Dupa cum vedetzi, agenda a cuprins multe obiective turistice. Aproape toate ruine, as spune eu.
Prima data am vizitat o pestera. Mult mai frumoase sunt ale noastre. Nu am putut face poze inauntru, asha ca o pun decat pe asta de la intrare:
And the day of July 28 has arrived. We left for Kielce, where a Reception Weekend was wainting for us. The firt one in my Aiesec life ... I didn't know how it would be, just imagining. Now, when it's gone, I can say that it was different than I imagined.
After a 7 hours trip with a train, here we are Kielce!
We lost all the activities from Friday, but we had 2 full days that completed the weekend.
First we visited a cave. We weren't allowed to make photos inside, so I post this one from outside:

Apoi a fost castelul Sobkow, care era nu mai stiu din ce secol. Am facut o multime de poze la ruinele alea, de parca ar fi fost o sedinta foto in plina desfasurare acolo.

Then was the Sobkow Castle. We made a lot of pictures at the ruins, like we were at a photo shoting there:

Si ca sa vedetzi ca polonezii sunt niste domni, ia uitati-va la asta:

The Polish mens are so gentlemens, no?

Si, pentru ca era una din zilele alea in care te prajeai la soare pe uscat, am hotarat sa ne racorim putin in raul care trecea pe langa castel:

It was so hot, so we decided to get some cold water from the river near by the castle:

Si la un moment dat a venit si televiziunea sa ne filmeze cum ne impiedicam printre ruine:

Also the TV showed up:

Si ca totul sa fie complet, am facut si o plimbare cu trasura:

And, in the last minutes, we got a walk:

Si apoi au mai urmat un palat si un castel. Dar pozele sunt prea multe sa fie puse aici toate. O sa adaug link-ul unde le gasitzi.Socurile culturale au fost multe, dar vor fi si mai mai multe de acum incolo.
After was a palace and another castle. But the photos are to many to be shown here. Y will post later a link where you can find them all.
The cultural socks were many and it will be more.